Friday, December 29, 2023

Notice B. Com. I Unit test


                                                                                                   Date: 29/12/2023

          All the students of B. Com. Part I are hereby informed that the Unit Test  on Business Correspondence will be conducted on Tuesday, 2nd January, 2024 from 09.06 a.m. to 09.54 a.m. in B. Com. I classroom. So all students must be present for the test.    


1.  Draft a circular letter announcing expansion of business and opening of a new branch at Gadhinglaj. Imagine all the necessary  details.

2.  Assume that 15 books out of 50 have been received by your college  in damaged condition from Mehta Book Sellers, Kolhapur. Write a complaint letter to the supplier.. Write a complaint letter to the supplier.

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